OM Sri Surabhyai Namah! All glories to Mother Surabhi! Hare Krishna.
Respected Vaishnavas
Please accept our Humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
We, the devotees serving at Sahyadri Sri Krishna Balaram Kshetra, are making an appeal which gives a special opportunity to serve Mother Surabhi.
Sahyadri Sri Krishna Balarama Kshetra (SSKBK) -Hebri is located at the foothills of Sahyadri range of mountains in Udupi, Karnataka, India.
We have been caring and lovingly serving Malanadu giddy breed (local to this region) for the past ten years. The speciality of this breed is that they are drought resistant and can climb the hills very easily. They are short in height but their milk is having very high nutritional value.
Ten years ago, we started with two cows -Mother Subhadra and Balaram. Over the years the number has increased to fifty-four. The salient feature of cow care in this project is our cows and bulls are let free twenty-four hours and they have access to water and grass. They are kept in open paddocks. We get an annual rainfall of 2000mm per year. We have a good facility for our cows but to improve care and love for our bulls and give proper shelter during heavy rains, we are planning to build a shed of 20ft by 46ft in size.
It is a humble appeal to all, who love and care Mother Surabhi and desire to serve them that kindly help us build the bulls shed.
The estimated budget for the same is Rs 75,000/- or $ 1008/-
Devotees may contribute the entire amount or a part of this expense also.
*“Those who donate a home for the cows,  Lord Krishna will prepare a palace for them in the spiritual world.” *
H.H.Bhakti Raghava Swami
June 05, 2019
Your donations and contributions can be sent to SSKBK account. Account details are as below:
Account Name: ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry,
Canara Bank
A/C No: 2502101013739,
Hebri Branch.
Your humble servants,
In service of Mother Surabhi
SSKBK -Management
Smita Krishna das (7259129719)
Rama Lakshman Das (6303508879)